Don’t Forget to Point
Introduction (Max Maven)
Introduction - German Edition (Piet Forton)
1. Close-Up
The Tweezers (Thomas Fraps)
Snap-Shot (Rainer Pfeiffer)
Change (Rainer Pfeiffer)
Gummi-Bear Penetration (Jorg Willich)
Scrooge McDuck (Thomas Fraps)
Painting the Town Red (Pit Hartling)
The Fruit Cups (Helge Thun, Manuel Muerte, Rainer Pfeiffer)
2. Cards
Instant Camera Card (Thomas Fraps, Helge Thun)
Party Animal (Pit Hartling)
Providence ’93 (Helge Thun)
Bombshell (Helge Thun)
Loading Methods:
In the Jacket
It Can’t Get Better
It’s Shoe-Time! (Manuel Muerte)
Double-Bind (Helge Thun)
The Chameleon (Pit Hartling)
Cupit (Pit Hartling)
If Worse Comes to Worse (Thomas Fraps,Helge Thun)
The Sympathetic Ten (Jorg Alexander)
3. Ideas
Hammer Their Socks off (Jorg Willich)
The . . . Idea (Pit Hartling)
Flip-Flap Flourish (Helge Thun)
Action Fan Palm (Helge Thun)
Bolt and Nut(Nikolai Friedrich)
Mismade-Warp (Rainer Pfeiffer)
Unfinished (Jorg Willich)
Chaos-Cut (Pit Hartling)
Out-of-Order Shuffle (Pit Hartling)
ThumbTips(Stephan Kirschbaum)
A Rose is a Rose is a Rose (Stephan Kirschbaum)
Insider (Thomas Fraps)
Dribbled (Thomas Fraps)
Sticking to the Gypsy Thread (Jorg Alexander)
Stretching "Stretched" (Peter Gunn)
4. Theory
Being Creative with Magic (Jorg Willich)
Brainstorming-Brainwarming (Jorg Willich)
The Ice-Cube Effect (Jorg Willich)
The Blind Spot (Thomas Fraps)
Acting Wrong (Gaston)
Status and Improvisation (Helge Thun)
5. Finally
Epilogue (Mike Caveney)
Picture Bibliography

the book